Wednesday, January 28, 2009


I am so blessed. I have two wonderful children. Jen at 5 is a really smart kid. She had to memorize a poem for Burns day at school and she had the 3 verse poem in her head by the 3rd day of practice. She has an excellent memory and a very logical brain.

Douglas is coming on leaps and bounds too. He is currently saying GOG for dog. We also play a wee game where we pretend to lose him - I say where is Douglas and he says "Here he is" (You never know that may come in handy at some point.)

We were recently at one of Jen's friends' house for tea and I realised that Jen was not starting her dinner. Matthew (her friend) was waiting for her to start.... I suddenly realised that Jen was waiting for grace.
I said to Jen it would be OK to start and Matthew's mum asked me to explain. I explained that we normally say grace and that was why Jen had not started.
I was then asked to say grace by Matthew's mum.
I duly said grace and then at the end Douglas piped up Amen at the end (like he normally does)
This was surely a case where I realised that the kids can teach the grown ups a thing or two!!

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