Saturday, March 28, 2009

Street Pastors hit Stirling

Well last night was the official launch of street pastors in Stirling. We started in Sporters bar with a wee gathering to launch the initiative.
We had 15 street pastors on the streets of Stirling, for the first night just to give us a presence that would help raise awareness.
We also had a some really good connections and conversation.....

The night was dry (thankfully) But it was very cold. I was thankful for the lovely warm jacket even if I feel a bit like the Mitchelin Man.
I finally got home at 4.30 a.m. I quite often find that God can give me enough energy to do what I need to do... and last night was no exception.
It was fantastic. I am on again next Friday night, this time it will only be one team though.
It was fantastic. I had a great time.

For next week - Pray that Douglas sleeps in the day so I can rest before I go out again.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Biblical Wordview.

One of our YWAM Stirling statements is that we want to engage with individuals and communities with a biblical world view. I am currently trying to unpack that a little. What does it mean to have a biblical worldview?
I have started another blog that is more professionally focussed. This is more personal ministry and jottings. The other blog is honestlylivingit. (another blogspot blog)
People who know me, know that I am not one to use theology terminology, so its focusses in community and church - seeing it from where I am at - now. So I don't claim to have arrived. (I am not sure I ever will!)
I have looked at Mark d Roberts blog on the matter and he explains things in a way I understand...

Two things that Mark has written stick out at the moment

"1. There is one transcendent, sovereign, all-powerful God who created all things.

2. Matter matters, because God created heaven and earth and saw that all things he created are very good."

What God created was good. Sin has got in the way.

God created us to be relational- with Him and others. The earth He created was good and is His.

Yes it is important to be in a Christian community to be built up, equipped and discipled but it is equally important that we show and share God's love practically to those who don't know God.

That should start where you are - local. If God calls you globally, then go.

My passion and vision is my city - at least at the moment. I want to see God move in Stirling, I want to see church partnerships and people earnestly seeking God....and finding Him.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

When is a mum ever a Part - timer

Man, what a busy week. Monday is mayhem at the moment and Tuesdays are busy....and by Wednesday morning, I want to know "Is it Friday yet?" (Mind you Friday does not mean that I have time off.)
When I first rejoined YWAM I thought that I would make things easy and say that I am part time in mission, rather than a full time ministry. The truth is however when is a Christian ever part time in what we do?
At the time of writing, it is only a few weeks until I am off to Germany. This week I was in Stirling doing Street pastors, Arbroath on Tuesday with money management and Thursday in Aberdeen with a staff day. That was my "work" or ministry.
I also work with the Scottish Society for Autism, for what I see as a "tentmaking" ministry to support my YWAM work and this week I have done that each day not doing YWAM or ministry stuff.
I must admit, I am tired, very tired.
The dilemma that I find myself in however is this:
If I turn down shifts (and I did turn down some anyway) would I be saying "No" to God's way of providing the money I need for Germany?

I believe wholeheartedly that God wants me to go and do the DNA Infusion conference. So if I turn down the shifts in the next few weeks, what happens if the money I need to go does not come through.
Would I be a bit like the guy in the joke that asks God when he reaches heaven why did you not help me God in the flood. And God answers I sent a boat and a helicopter and you said no to them. (Paraphrased version)
So yes it is true to say I am working far more than I would like to at the moment....but even when I am off....I am a mum and a wife - so when is the day off exactly?

Even if it is my day off if an opportunity arises to share what God has done or is doing I am not necessarily going to say, come back to me next Thursday. (Although sometimes those boundaries are easier set.)

At the moment I hope that I won't burn out so much that I am too shattered to participate and gain from what God has for me in Germany.
As a mum though, I am still dreading being away for 3 weeks.